Bali dalam Kutipan, 1951
Bali has something that is to be found nowhere else in Southeast Asia-a living, vital culture that is purely Asian and that has produced.
Balinese culture, tradition, tourism and book
Bali has something that is to be found nowhere else in Southeast Asia-a living, vital culture that is purely Asian and that has produced. putra The Cultural Congress which was held for the first time on June 14th may discuss various issues connected with Bali’s culture, but.
Bali Post, Sabtu, 26 Juli 2008 I Nyoman Darma Putra UPACARA kremasi almarhum Tjokorda Gde Agung Suyasa (Selasa, 15/7) mendapat liputan luas media.
Oleh Rahmad Nasution Pemilihan langsung gubernur Bali 9 Juli 2008 tidak hanya menyita perhatian warga Bali di manapun. Pesta demokrasi yang diikuti.
Bali Post, Sabtu, 14 Juni 2008 I Nyoman Darma Putra KONGRES Kebudayaan yang untuk pertama kalinya dilaksanakan 14 Juni ini boleh saja.
Kompas, Sabtu, 20 Desember 2003 Judul buku: Bunga Jepun Penulis: Putu Fajar Arcana Penerbit: Penerbit Buku Kompas, Cetakan I, Tahun 2003 Tebal: 156.
Text by Darma Putra Photographs by Widnyana Sudibya Imagine a three-month well planned garden party all of a sudden dissolved by heavy rain..