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Kaitan antara Biografi, Proses Kreatif, dan Karya-karya Panji Tisna


Panji Tisna is the first modern Balinese writer to enter the stage of Indonesian literature. In the 1930s, he published three novels including Ni Rawit Ceti Penjual Orang (1935), Sukreni Gadis Bali (1936), I Swasta Setahun di Bedahulu (1938), which are still in print today. Sukreni Gadis Bali has emerged as something of a classic in the Indonesian literary canon. Alongside other prominent Indonesia authors from the 1930s, Panji Tisna belongs to the Generation of Poedjangga Baroe, named after the literary journal titled Poedjangga Baroe. A lot has been written about the literary work of Panji Tisna and his biography has appeared in the form of newspaper articles and theses. This article brings together several aspects of Panji Tisna’s life, highlighting the relationships between his life experience and the creative process and the characteristics of his novels to emphasise that all the published novels of Panji Tisna have close connections to his personal life experience. The article also identifies specific characteristics of his novels in term of their titles, themes and settings with reference works by Indonesian writers of the same period.

Key words: Panji Tisna, Balinese writer, Indonesian literature, creative process